Wizardry CD Soundtrack Available for Pre-order
The CD soundtrack to the 2024 remaster of Wizardry by Winifred Phillips is available for pre-order from SUPERDELUXE for release November 21st, 2024.

Suikoden I&II HD Remaster 7 CD Soundtrack Available for Pre-order
As part of the Suikoden I&II HD remaster, Konami is releasing a 7 CD soundtrack for release in January 2025. Similar to the games’ original soundtracks, Suikoden’s score is 2 CDs, and Suikoden II’s soundtrack is 4 CDs long. An additional bonus CD of arrangements and “music box” versions of songs from both games is included in the set.

Final Fantasy XI 20th Anniversary Vinyl Available for Pre-order
As part of the celebration for the 20th anniversary of the still active MMO Final Fantasy XI, Square Enix is releasing a vinyl collecting a small sample of songs from the base game and all five expansions.